Source BSP Map Protection

Stop your maps being edited or stolen

Instant BSP anti-decompile Software Solution without BSP upload
— High-End, Secure, on your PC

Rated 5 stars over 20+ reviews


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Counter-Strike: Source

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Team Fortress 2

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Garry’s Mod

bspProtect in one Sentence

bspProtect is a specialized tool designed to secure custom-made maps for Source Engine games, providing immediate protection against decompilation and theft, ensuring creators maintain control over their work with 24/7 service availability.


Compare a decompiled map without and with bspProtect

Configurable to your needs. Whether you are planning on uploading to the Steam Workshop or hosting your map on a server

bspProtect covers all use-cases.

Full Protection

Texture obfuscation, brush removal and more

bspProtect consists of multiple protection methods, obfuscating a decompiled map, targeting textures, brushes, entities and more…

Full Protection

multiple layers of protection combined

Through the use of mutliple protection methods, bspProtect ensures a maps security even if individual protections might be compromised.

Protection Layer: Texture Obfuscation

All textures are scrambled

A decompiled vmf of your map will have all its textures randomly scrambled — can only be reversed through days of tedious manual work.

Protection Layer: Brush Removal

Majority of brushes will be missing

After decompiling your map, most of its brushes will be missing. Without manually replacing each and every individual brush, the map cannot be compiled.

Get Started now

Download the intuitive Software

Protect your first map with just a few clicks. bspProtect will guide you through the process.

or download archive →

Step by step guided tool. Your map protected in minutes.

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Decompile Attempts failed

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5 Star Reviews

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Maps protected

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Happy Customers

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Server exclusivity

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Entity Removal

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Texture Obfuscation

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Brush Removal

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Copyright Note

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Easy to Use

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Top-Tier Quality

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Fully Automated


Protection Plans for Your Unique Creations

Choose the right license type for your use-case. All licenses are single-use.

For Map updates

You want to protect an update to a map that was protected before

  • Protect a map update
  • Follow-Up Protection
  • 12 hour grace period
  • Protected within minutes
  • 24/7 availability

For new maps

You want to protect a map that has never been protected before

  • Protect a new map
  • Initial Protection
  • 12 hour grace period
  • Protected within minutes
  • 24/7 availability

1 Initial + 3 Update

You want to protect a new map and maintain its protection over time

  • Protect a new map
  • Protect three updates
  • 12 hour grace period
  • Protected within minutes
  • 24/7 availability

Hear what people are saying about bspProtect

All reviews are real opinions of verified customers. After completing a bsp protection process, anyone can leave a review.

See All Reviews →

Update Protection License


kael – mapper

strange problem with material not detected surface….

Initial Protection License


Felpox – Mapper

Thank you very much, you are the Goat.

Initial Protection License


Cameron – Mapper

Great service, any problems encountered were swiftly resolved by the provider!

Initial Protection License


xRanger – Mapper

Beautiful tool.

Initial Protection License


BucketHeadBandit – Mapper + Owner of Glacier Roleplay

Had issues figuring it out at first but Jakob was quick to respond to my inquiries. Would suggest to anyone looking for impeccable map protection.

Initial Protection License


Reaver – server owner

good tool

Initial Protection License


Thefuryl34SwtorV4 – zuylgar werewolf

No comment provided.

Initial Protection License


Fred – Server Owner

easy to use. no real issues.

Initial Protection License


ExpGamersInAu – Owner

8/8 Mate, protected me from unwanted dingos trying to steal my baby, Jakob was very kind when I got stuck so that’s why I call him my mate.
Next beer’s on me mate!

Update Protection License


Trolliwurm – Owner, Mapper

No comment provided.

Update Protection License


Atlas Uprising – Owner

Amazing once again!

Initial Protection License


Atlas Uprising – Owner

Way too easy for server owners

Update Protection License


glicth – mapper and or server owner

thank u for ur services comrade jakob

Initial Protection License


Innapropiate & JockeR – Server Owners


Initial Protection License


Oninoni – Server Developer

Good Boy Service! *Pats on Head*

Update Protection License


Tultimate/Ophra – mapper

Wir haben bereits auf Discord geschrieben, hab leider letztesmal bei der ersten Protection kein Feedback dagelassen. Sehr gutes Programm und gutes Tutorial auf Youtube!

Update Protection License


Atlas Uprising – Owner


Initial Protection License


Show – mapper

good protection, and easy

Update Protection License


Alydus – Developer

Easy to use, reliable and super quick.
Easily proven results.

See results yourself.

Want to see the strength of bspProtect yourself first? Test any bsp decompiler on a protected gm_construct or maps on the workshop.


Frequently asked questions

How does BSP Protection ensure my map cannot be decompiled?

bspProtect employs a complex combination of information removal and obfuscation techniques to protect your map. When you use bspProtect, it changes the map data in a way that is only readable by the Source Engine or a sever running your map. This process involves altering the structure and data of the BSP file in such a manner that attempting to decompile it with common practice tools results in an unusable or incomprehensible output.

bspProtect uses a number of layered methods resulting in a decompiled map file with a majority of brushes missing, entities misplaced or even missing entirely and an innovative technique scrambling every texture within your map. Some methods are specifically design to counter common decompile methods while others work on the basis of information obfuscation, making it no longer human-readable.

By using these advanced techniques, bspProtect ensures that your creative work remains exclusive to your intended use, whether it’s for personal projects, community servers, or commercial purposes.

Is it possible to reverse the protection afterwards?

No. The protection applied to your map is non-reversible. If you want to keep an un-altered, un-protected version of your BSP, make sure to keep a backup.

Manually reversing the methods of bspProtect would involve tedious re-creation of numerous brushes, completely re-creating all entities of the map or at least re-organizing them (in case server exclusive option was not used) and re-assigning and aligning every texture on every surface of the map.

How does the server exclusive option work?

Providing a map exclusively on a selected server is a common practise supported in most Source Engine games and employed by professional server owners. It prevents your map from being run in singleplayer or on a separate or competing server. bspProtect does of course support this protection method out of the box. After protecting a BSP with the server exclusive option enabled, you will receive an additional file with your protected map that will need to be hosted on your server.

The additional file can be treated as a key to should never be shared with others. All that’s required from a server owner is to place this file in the maps/ folder on the server while excluding it from any client-side downloads.

By necessity, when a client joins your server, the currently run map will be downloaded. However when using the server exclusive option, a decompiled map will have all its entities missing, making it virtually worthless to the perpetrator.

Keep this file as secure as possible! If it gets leaked, the server exclusive protection is broken! Rest assured if this key file is leaked your map will still be protected by the remaining bspProtect methods!

How do I update a protected map?

Maps are often changing with the needs of the player-base, to fix bugs or to realise the vision of the map developer further. bspProtect offers an affordable solution to protect updated versions of your map.

After every successful protection using bspProtect, a fingerprint file is created that can be used in combination with a much cheaper update license to protect an updated version of the same map.

This option allows you to iterate upon your map while being confident about its protection without having huge expenses over time.

What are the costs involved in purchasing a license?To protect a newly created map using bspProtect you will required a new map protection license priced at Original price was: 50.00 €.Current price is: 39.99 €.. Every subsequent update to the same map outside of the grace period comes at the additional cost of 19.99 .

These costs are well worth the reassurance bspProtect offers by providing top-tier irreversible BSP map protection.

Additionally, if you are running a server that relies on exclusive content, bspProtect will ensure a loyal player-base, revisiting your server for it’s unique map. Competing servers will have no chance to gain access to your map, make edits of it or copy parts into their maps.

Will I have to give out my map for it to be protected?

No. Your bsp and all content associated with it will always stay on your PC. At no point does bspProtect upload your map to any server or third party. bspProtect will only extract a small fraction of data from your BSP that cannot be used in any meaningful way on its own.

Can I test the protection before purchasing a license?

Yes! You can try a protected version of gm_construct. You can download is here and try out any decompiler on it. Additionally, you can find plenty of examples on the Steam Workshop.

How does the tool ensure there are no artifacts during gameplay?

bspProtect only adjusts those parts of a bsp that do not cause any noticable changes during gameplay. Every protection method is tested in detail to ensure no artifacts in-game. BSPs contain information vital for decompiling yet irrelevant at runtime that can be changed or even outright removed.

What kind of support is available if I encounter an issue?

Every issue encountered is personally looked at with the goal of getting it resolved as soon as possible. bspProtect automatically sends software logs including error reports if they do occur. If problems pop up that cannot be immediatly fixed, your purchase will be refunded.

You can also always reach our directly →

Will you consider adding this feature?

Definitely! Any feedback or feature requests are considered. Please reach out via the contact form and describe whats on your mind.

What is a license grace period?

Every license is valid within a 12 hour grace period. Commonly, map developers want to playtest their creation and a big portion of bugs are discovered within the first couple hours of releasing a map. Usually, this results in a quick patch being required immediately.

The license grace period allows you to protect this patch without additional expenses. Simply provide the previously used license in combination with the most recent fingerprint of the map to apply the free BSP map protection.

How do I know that I can trust bspProtect?

bspProtect is meticulously created and run by a veteran Source Engine modding community member and map developer with extensive experience and established reputation built over 10 years. You can verify this claim by visiting this Steam Workshop. Protecting maps against decompilation evolved from a personal need. There is no interest or benefit gained in deceiving fellow mappers. bspProtect was originally run on and has turned into a standalone product over time.

Have another question? Get in touch →